1. DINO CRISIS 2. You have a mail 3. Welcome to the genocide island 4. an Omen 5. an Encounter 6. The place is deserted through... 7. Breakout 8. Set you at ease 9. Entrance 10. On the verge of attack 11. Rush into 12. a Rowdy in ancient ages 13. a Rescue or a Mission 14. Where’s the Doc? 15. Doctor Kirk!? 16. Investigate the underground 17. Murderers in the sky 18. Where’s the survivor? 19. The wounds are pretty bad... 20. Be hanged and dropped 21. Lamentation 22. Pounced 23. Lab in the underground 24. A secret in the poisonous gas 25. Confined 26. Make your choice 27. Elusive Dr.Kirk 28. To the communication room 29. Giant fang bites 30. Get to the heliport 31. Abandoned hope 32. Hang in there 33. Underpass 34. Dark and deserted 35. Heading for the port 36. Giant claws 37. Further dread 38. Call from survivor 39. The Violence comes down 40. Distorted space-time continuum 41. Seek for the generator 42. Located main generator 43. suspiciou shots 44. Glimpse 45. The tragedy arisen from the experiment 46. What’s your choice? 47. Stabilizer and Initalizer 48. a Wiretap 49. Starting Up 50. There’s no turning back 51. Overloaded 52. Breathe faintly 53. Last selection 54. Stick to the berief 55. a Fierce fight at port 56. Explosion 57. Hidden purpose 58. Lie down 59. The one who chace 60. Final battle 61. At the waterway 62. a Chopper 63. Finally caught 64. Troublesome and ferocious 65. Burn away 66. Reminiscence
ディノ・クライシス☆オリジナル・サウンドトラック 初回盤・新品
『 ディノ・クライシス / DINO CRISIS 』
初回盤・新品未開封 CDです。
※ 初回特典:特製 恐竜の爪型ペンダント封入
2. You have a mail
3. Welcome to the genocide island
4. an Omen
5. an Encounter
6. The place is deserted through...
7. Breakout
8. Set you at ease
9. Entrance
10. On the verge of attack
11. Rush into
12. a Rowdy in ancient ages
13. a Rescue or a Mission
14. Where’s the Doc?
15. Doctor Kirk!?
16. Investigate the underground
17. Murderers in the sky
18. Where’s the survivor?
19. The wounds are pretty bad...
20. Be hanged and dropped
21. Lamentation
22. Pounced
23. Lab in the underground
24. A secret in the poisonous gas
25. Confined
26. Make your choice
27. Elusive Dr.Kirk
28. To the communication room
29. Giant fang bites
30. Get to the heliport
31. Abandoned hope
32. Hang in there
33. Underpass
34. Dark and deserted
35. Heading for the port
36. Giant claws
37. Further dread
38. Call from survivor
39. The Violence comes down
40. Distorted space-time continuum
41. Seek for the generator
42. Located main generator
43. suspiciou shots
44. Glimpse
45. The tragedy arisen from the experiment
46. What’s your choice?
47. Stabilizer and Initalizer
48. a Wiretap
49. Starting Up
50. There’s no turning back
51. Overloaded
52. Breathe faintly
53. Last selection
54. Stick to the berief
55. a Fierce fight at port
56. Explosion
57. Hidden purpose
58. Lie down
59. The one who chace
60. Final battle
61. At the waterway
62. a Chopper
63. Finally caught
64. Troublesome and ferocious
65. Burn away
66. Reminiscence
ゆうパック60サイズ(おてがる版) (補償あり・手渡し・追跡あり・匿名配送)
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